Spoilt for choice on where to fish, the knowledgeable guides associated with Rainbow Lodge will work to ensure a successful day out for you. Christopher Bassano is co-owner and lead-guide and has fished not only extensively in Tasmania but elsewhere as well. Spoilt for choice on where to fish there are also the options of how to fish, be it from their 5m boat, wading into the shallows or from the water's edge. Learn some skills in the arts of polaroiding and fly-fishing.
Rainbow Lodge has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen, a roomy lounge and a deck. The lounge has a fly-tying bench complete with all the necessary materials.
Lunch is provided as part of your day out fishing, and breakfast and evening meals can be catered for.
Arrangements can be made, in advance, to pick you up from the airport.
Only Telstra Next G mobile phones work up in the highlands.